Liturgical Music

Great Vespers


Come, Let Us Worship - Mission

Come, Let Us Worship - Wigglesworth

Psalm 103 - Glagolev

Great Litany - Plain Chant

1st Kathisma (Blessed is the Man) - Bailey

1st Kathisma (Blessed is the Man) - Traditional

Lord, I Call

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 1

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 2

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 3

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 4

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 5

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 6

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 7

Lord, I Call - Stikhera - Tone 8

O Gladsome Light, Prokeimena, Litanies

O Gladsome Light - Byzantine

O Gladsome Light - Dvoretsky

Vespers Prokeimena - Obikhod

Gospel Responses and Litiya

Evening Litanies and Prayer

Evening Prayer (Vouchsafe O Lord)


Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 1

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 2

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 3

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 4

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 5

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 6

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 7

Resurrection Stikhera - Tone 8

St. Symeon’s Prayer

St. Symeon’s Prayer - Byzantine Chant

St. Symeon’s Prayer - Tone 1-8

Daily Troparia and Theotokia

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 1

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 2

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 3

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 4

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 5

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 6

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 7

Resurrection Troparion - Tone 8

Resurrection Theotokia – Tone 1-8




God is the Lord

God is the Lord - Byzantine

God is the Lord - Obikhod


Polieley - Bakhmatev

Polieley - Byzantine

Polieley - Finnish

Polieley - Russian Monastic


Evlogitaria - Obikhod Tone 5

From My Youth

From My Youth - Byzantine

From My Youth - Valaam (3 Parts)

By the Waters of Babylon

By the Waters of Babylon - Krupitsky

By the Waters of Babylon - Znamenny

By the Waters of Babylon - Serbian

By the Waters of Babylon - Byzantine

Matins Prokeimena

Prokeimena Sunday Matins - Obikhod


Magnificat - Drobac

Magnificat - Hainsworth

Magnificat - Pskov

Magnificat - Traditional


Praises - Obikhod

Praises Gospel Stikhera - text


Doxology - St Herman’s SJK

Doxology - Byzantine Tone 3

Divine Liturgy


From the rising - Glagolev

From the rising - Bulharski Tone 7

Ton Dhespotin - Bulharski Tone 7

Vesting Hymns - Kievan Tone 7

Eis Polla - Bailey

Trisagion Hierarchal - Aprahamian

Great Litany, Daily Antiphons

Great Litany

Great Litany - Wigglesworth

First Antiphon - Greek Chant, short

First Antiphon - Greek Chant, long

Second Antiphon - Greek Chant, short (with Only-Begotten Son)

Second Antiphon - Greek Chant, long (with Only-Begotten Son)

Second Antiphon - Greek Chant, long (with Only-Begotten Son by Soloviev)

Third Antiphon (Beatitudes) - Greek Chant

Monday-Saturday Hymns

Come, let us worship

Come, let us worship - 1

Come, let us worship - 2

Come, let us worship - Obikhod Tone 2

Resurrection Hymns - Troparia & Kontakia

Troparion - Tone 1

Kontakion - Tone 1

Troparion - Tone 2

Kontakion - Tone 2

Troparion and Kontakion - Tone 3

Troparion - Tone 4

Kontakion - Tone 4

Troparion and Kontakion - Tone 5

Troparion - Tone 6

Kontakion - Tone 6

Troparion and Kontakion - Tone 7

Kontakion - Tone 8

Troparion - Tone 8



Trisagion Aleut (Nicolai)

Trisagion Benigsen

Trisagion Kievan

Trisagion St. Peter's

Trisagion Verbitsky

Trisagion Wigglesworth

Trisagion Aprahamian

As Many As Have Been Baptized

As Many As Have Been Baptized - Moscow

As Many As Have Been Baptized - Byzantine Tone 1

Before Your Cross

Before Your Cross - Traditional


Resurrection Prokeimena

Daily Prokeimena Obikhod

Festal Prokeimena

The Epistle Reading, Alleluia, The Gospel Reading

The Epistle Reading

Alleluia - Moscow, Traditional, Alaskan

Sunday Alleluia Verses

Daily Alleluia Verses

At the Gospel

Cherubic Hymn

Cherubicon - Bortniansky #5

Cherubicon - Kastorsky

Cherubicon - Kievo-Pecherskaya

Litany of Supplication

Litany of Supplication - Plain Chant

Litany of Supplication - Georgian

Litany of Supplication - St. Peter’s

The Creed


Anaphora - 1

Anaphora - 2

Anaphora - Wigglesworth


It is Truly Meet - Joy of Heavenly Hosts melody

It is Truly Meet - Pskov Chant

All of Creation - Obikhod Tone 6

The Angel Cried - Balakirev

Our Father

Our Father - Traditional

Our Father - Znamenny

One is Holy

One is Holy - Plain Chant

One is Holy - Rene

One is Holy - Serbian


Communion Hymns

Sunday - Praise the Lord from the Heavens

Monday - He Makes His Angels Spirits - Greek Chant

Wednesday - The Cup of Salvation - Anderson

Thursday - Their Proclamation - Bailey

Friday - God is our King - SVS

Friday - God is our King

Saturday - Rejoice in the Lord

For the Departed - Blessed are they - Traditional

He who eats my flesh - Kedrov

I am not worthy, O Master and Lord - Znamenny

The Law of the Lord - Obikhod Tone 2

O Lord, born of a virgin - Obikhod Tone 6

The Lord is my Lamp - Wigglesworth

Of Your Mystical Supper - Obikhod Tone 6

Pre-Communion Canon - Ode 1 - Wigglesworth

A Prayer before Holy Communion

Psalm 23 - Tone 8

Receive Me Today, O Son of God - Byzantine

Hymn of Praise

Festal Communion Hymns

Annunciation - Wigglesworth

Ascension - Wigglesworth

Elevation of the Cross - Bailey

Nativity of Christ - Morosan

Palm Sunday - Byzantine

Pentecost - Rene

Pentecost - Wigglesworth

Theophany - Wigglesworth

Receive the Body of Christ

Receive the Body - Alskn Mscw Kdrv Serbian

Liturgy Ending and Dismissal

We have seen the true light - Novgorod Tone 2

We have seen the true light - Obikhod Tone 2

Let our mouths be filled - Byzantine Tone 2

Litany of Thanksgiving and Dismissal

Great Feasts

Nativity of the Theotokos


Communion Hymn - The Cup of Salvation Anderson

Exaltation/Elevation of the Cross

Communion Hymn - The Light of Your Countenance Bailey

Entrance of the Theotokos

Vigil Texts


Communion Hymn -The Cup of Salvation_Anderson

Nativity of Christ - Royal Hours


Nativity of Christ - Vespers

Vespers Prokeimenon (Obikhod)

Nativity of Christ - Matins

God is the Lord Troparion


Matins Prokeimenon (Obikhod)

Matins Prokeimenon (Znamenny)

Matins Prokeimenon (Valaam)

Matins Canon

Exapostilarion Morosan


Nativity of Christ - Liturgy



Kontakion St. Sergius

Kontakion Obikhod

Kontakion Bortniansky

Liturgy Prokeimenon (Serbian)

Liturgy Prokeimenon Znamenny

Theotokion Obikhod

Theotokion Greek Chant

Nativity Communion Hymn_Morosan


Great Blessing of Water

Old Testament Readings

Vespers of Theophany

Vespers Music

Meeting of Christ in the Temple


Communion Hymn -The Cup of Salvation_Anderson


Vesperal Liturgy



Communion Hymn - Wigglesworth



Communion Hymn - Wigglesworth




Communion Hymn - Wigglesworth



Lord, I Call Dogmaticon in multiple tones


Communion Hymn -The Cup of Salvation Anderson


Festal Praises

Festal Praises

Other Hymns

Awed by the Beauty - Byzantine Tone 3

Hymn to Christian Love (1 Corinth. 13)

Mary the Dawn - Gregorian

O Champion Leader - Byzantine Tone 8

O Pure Virgin - Byzantine

Psalm 5 - Kievan Caves

Psalm 90 - Wigglesworth

Psalm 135 - Byzantine Plagal Tone 1 (Tone 5)

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos - Wigglesworth

St. Augustine’s Prayer - Wigglesworth

What Shall I Render - Erickson

Children’s Hymn to St. Nicholas

St. Patrick's Breastplate

Lent and Holy Week

Forgiveness Sunday



Let God Arise

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

Compline served with Canon

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete – Monday

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - Tuesday

Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - Thursday

God is with us Kievan

Remain with us

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Ninth Hour/Litya

Psalm 104

Great Litany


Lord, I Call - Reader text

Lord, I Call - Wednesday Stikhera

Lord, I Call - Friday Stikhera

The Entrance

Old Testament Readings

Prokeimena - Fridays and Holy Week

Let my prayer arise Wigglesworth

Gospel to Great Entrance

Now the powers Bassoline

Now the powers

Litany of Supplication - pre-communion

O taste and see

O taste and see Bassoline

After Communion

Post-Communion Psalms

Let our mouths be filled Byzantine Tone 2

Prokeimena Wednesday

Lenten Praises

Lenten Praises Text

Lazarus Saturday

Troparion Obikhod Tone 1

Bridegroom Matins

Matins Beginning

Alleluia Troparion Kievan Tone 8

Kathisma Hymns Monday Obikhod Tones

Kathisma Hymns Tuesday Obikhod Tones

Kathisma Hymns Wednesday Obikhod Tones

The Gospel Reading

Holy Tuesday Canon

Holy Wednesday Canon

Exapostilarion Kievan Tone 8

The Praises - Reader Text

Praises Monday Obikhod Tones

Praises Tuesday Obikhod Tones

Praises Wednesday Obikhod Tones


Aposticha - Monday (Obikhod Tones)

Aposticha – Tuesday (Obikhod Tones)

Aposticha – Wednesday (Obikhod Tones)


Holy Thursday Vesperal Liturgy

People Books A

People Books B

Reader Book A

Reader Book B

Of Your Mystical Supper (Obikhod Tone 6)

Holy Friday Matins

Holy Friday Matins Text

Holy Friday Matins Music

Antiphons text

Antiphons 1-3 (Obikhod Tones)

Antiphons 4-6 (Obikhod Tones)

Antiphons 7-9 (Obikhod Tones)

Antiphons 10-12 (Obikhod Tones)

Antiphons 13-15 (Obikhod Tones)


Prokeimenon (Obikhod)


Exapostilarion (Kievan Tone 8)

Praises (Obikhod Tones)

Aposticha ((Obikhod Tones)

Final Litany

Holy Friday Vespers


Great Litany

Lord, I Call_text

Lord, I Call (Obikhod Tones)

Gladsome Light_Dvoretsky

Prokeimena (Obikhod)

Evening prayer/litanies

Aposticha (Obikhod Tones)

Noble Joseph Bulgarian Chant

Noble Joseph Greek Chant

Come, let us bless Joseph Pskov

Holy Saturday Matins



Evgolitaria (Obikhod Tone 5)


Holy is the Lord our God (Obikhod Tone 2)

Praises (Obikhod Tones)

Praises text


Noble Joseph_Bulgarian Chant


Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy - Liturgy of St. Basil the Great

Beginning up to the readings

Old Testament Readings/Epistle

For Gloriously Praise the Lord

Prokeimenon (Znamenny)

Let all mortal flesh Sokolyk

Hymn to the Theotokos Tone.9 Znamenny Chant

Communion Hymn Wigglesworth

Holy Week Praises

Holy Week Praises


Paschal Nocturns - Midnight Office

Nocturn - Troparion

Canon for Paschal Midnight Office

Paschal Matins

Beginning of Paschal Matins

Paschal Verses

Kontakion - Byzantine Tone 8

Kontakion - Obikhod Tone 8

Kontakion - St. Sergius Lavra Tone 4

Ikos - Kievan Tone 7

Having Beheld the Resurrection - text

Exapostilarion - Byzantine Tone 8

Exapostilarion - Obikhod Tone 3

Praises - Obikhod Tone 1

Paschal Matins Praises - text

Aposticha / The Paschal Stichera - Let God Arise - Znamenny

Paschal Liturgy

Paschal Hymns for Divine Liturgy

The Angel Cried - Balakirev

Paschal Vespers

The Vespers of Pascha

Lord I Call - text

O Gladsome Light - Dvoretsky

Christ is Risen (Ukrainian Melody) with Tone 8 troparion

Paschal Troparion

Christ is Risen - Arabic

Astafeev - Kustovsky

Byzantine Tone 5

Paschal Tropar French

Paschal Tropar French #2 - Kievan

Georgian - Monastery Chant


Greek (in French)




Spanish #2 - French #3


Znamenny Tone 5 - Lirin

Other Services

Reader's Hours

Reader’s 3rd and 6th Hours and Typica

Reader’s 9th Hour

Holy Communion

Akathist for Holy Communion

Pre-Communion Canon - Wigglesworth

Ten Prayers before Communion


Baptism Service

Grant Unto Me & Prokeimenon


Holy God Processional

Funeral beginning

Psalm 90

Stasis 1

Litany for the Departed

Stasis 2 & 3

Hymns for the Departed

Kathisma Hymn

Psalm 50


Stikhera of St. John of Damascus


Epistle, Gospel, Litany


Memory Eternal

Stikhera for the Last Kiss

Graveside Service

Outline - Liturgy for the Departed

Parastas / Panikhida

Psalm 90, Psalm 50, Dismissal

Opening, Litanies, Troparia, Hymns for the Departed

Canon for the Departed

Troparion "With the Souls of the Righteous" and Litany for the Departed

Memory Eternal


Service of Thanksgiving


Paraklesis (Service of Supplication to the Theotokos)


The Service of Betrothal

Wedding Crowning

Rejoice, O Isaiah

Georgian Wedding Hymn

Dismissal for Paschaltide

Online Music Resources

List of useful sites with online music resources