Sorokoust (Forty Liturgies) Comes to Completion at Holy Annunciation Hermitage
On the Soul Saturday before Holy Pentecost the monks of the Holy Annunciation Hermitage celebrated the fortieth Divine Liturgy of the Sorokoust. The Liturgies began on Radonitsa (“Day of Rejoicing” celebrated on the Tuesday after Thomas Sunday).
Sorokoust, which comes from the Greek word meaning ‘forty’, is the practice of celebrating Divine Liturgies for forty days. It is an ancient custom of monasteries – and some parishes – to undertake this discipline. The faithful give lists of both the Living and the Dead that they wish to be commemorated at these Liturgies.
The Hermitage received lists of names from across the Archdiocese. It was a great blessing and privilege for the monks to be able to be united in prayer with the faithful through the Sorokoust. The Hermitage is grateful for the generosity of the faithful. God-willing this practice will continue to be an annual event.