
Prayer List

This is a list of names that members of our archdiocese have submitted for prayer. Names are automatically removed after 30 days. Please resubmit your request to keep the name on the list.

Departed / défunt
Name Faith
Lynn Herrem Other Christian / autre chrétien
Gloria Other Christian / autre chrétien
Simon Orthodox / orthodoxe
Archpriest Anthony Estabrooks Orthodox / orthodoxe
St. Evelyn Other Christian / autre chrétien
Fr. Vladislav Orthodox / orthodoxe
Bozica, Lazar, Dara, Dragan , Sreto Orthodox / orthodoxe
Dragica Orthodox / orthodoxe
Constantine & Svetlana Orthodox / orthodoxe
Living / vivant
Name Faith
Archpriest Leonard, Matushka Chrystal Herrem Orthodox / orthodoxe
Matushka Irene Estabrooks Orthodox / orthodoxe
Ekaterina Orthodox / orthodoxe
Norma Orthodox / orthodoxe
Kateryna, Pavlo, Ksenia & Andriy, Serhiy & Family Orthodox / orthodoxe
Ashley Orthodox / orthodoxe
William Other / autre
John Other Christian / autre chrétien
Child Matthew Orthodox / orthodoxe
Gloria Other Christian / autre chrétien
Ivanna Orthodox / orthodoxe
Archpriest Anthony Estabrooks Orthodox / orthodoxe
Dimitry Orthodox / orthodoxe
Gary Orthodox / orthodoxe
Anastasiia Orthodox / orthodoxe
Peter Other Christian / autre chrétien
Danny Orthodox / orthodoxe
Nathan Orthodox / orthodoxe
Dale Other Christian / autre chrétien
Nikita E Orthodox / orthodoxe
Anna&family Orthodox / orthodoxe
Kristina Orthodox / orthodoxe
Roman Orthodox / orthodoxe
Jason Aleksandr Orthodox / orthodoxe
Matushka Julia & three young children Orthodox / orthodoxe
Milo Other Christian / autre chrétien
Tim Orthodox / orthodoxe
Sarah K Orthodox / orthodoxe
Hunter Other Christian / autre chrétien
Alanna Other Christian / autre chrétien
Edgar Other Christian / autre chrétien
Wanda Other Christian / autre chrétien
Barbara Other Christian / autre chrétien
Sergiy Orthodox / orthodoxe
Djordje, Aleksandra, Mihajlo Orthodox / orthodoxe
Jennifer & Jay Orthodox / orthodoxe
Antony, Frédéric, Mathieu Other Christian / autre chrétien
Véronique, Anne-Marie, Linsay-Anne, Jean-Noël, Mario, Christophe, Suzanne, Jean-Carlos Other Christian / autre chrétien
Petro, Evheniy, Dmitro, Yuri Orthodox / orthodoxe
Yovan, Alexia, Lena, Dimitrije (Dimitriyé), Dragan, Zhana Orthodox / orthodoxe
Sergiy K Orthodox / orthodoxe