
Assembly of the Archdiocese of Canada 2017

Assembly of the Archdiocese of Canada
“Refreshment for the Journey”

The triennial Archdiocesan Assembly met from July 26 to 28, 2017 in Edmonton Alberta, preceded by a clergy synaxis on July 25.

This week of being refreshed and renewed consisted of:

  1. Good teaching
  2. Renewed Friendships
  3. Joyful worship (“The joy of the Lord is my strength”)
  4. Relaxing activities
  5. Opening BBQ on Tuesday evening at St. Herman’s
  6. Clergy Wives' Gathering with the Archbishop (Wednesday)
  7. Wednesday evening Banquet at the beautiful Muttart Conservatory
  8. Parish Stories of Encouragement and Inspiration
  9. Friday Tour of the “Holy Land” Parishes (visit our country parishes that St Tikhon worshipped in)

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