
New Orthodox Church Building Back on Track After Pandemic Delays

Site concept drawing
May 19, 2022

A quick look at the worksite next to St Herman's Orthodox Church in Langley will reveal that we are finally starting to make progress after many months of delay!  Our progress is all the more impressive given that the building project coincided with the confusion and extra labour occasioned by the Covid pandemic.

At time of writing, bank financing has almost been secured, and we are pressing forward. The steel trusses have been designed, manufactured, and installed so that the frame for the cupola has been put in place. The slab preparation is set for the end of May, with the plumbing and electrical rough-in planned for June. If all goes well, we look forward to having the building ready for use in the last quarter of the year.  It is hoped that Vladyka Irénée will be able to join us for our first Liturgy there.

Donations for the project are still welcome and needed; just send a cheque payable to  “St. Herman’s Church”, 7221-198B St. Langley BC V3Y 1R9. Currently we are ready to receive a construction loan, payable in two years. What is not paid back at the time will be rolled into a mortgage, so that the more money we collect now and can pay back in two years, the lower and more affordable our mortgage will be.