His Grace, Bishop Ilia Visits Holy Myrrhbearers Mission
His Grace, Bishop Ilia, presiding bishop of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, visited Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission in Toronto, on Sunday 18 June.
Bishop Ilia sits on the Episcopal Assemblies in both the United States and Canada, and he was in Toronto for the annual meeting of Canadian bishops hosted by His Eminence, Metropolian-Archbishop Sotirios on Thursday 15 June.
In both the US and Canada, Bishop Ilia has been tasked with chairing theological education committees of the Episcopal Assemblies, so he made use of his time in Toronto to visit Holy Myrrhbearers, which worships in the chapel of Trinity College and is integrated with the Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College, part of the Toronto School of Theology and the University of Toronto.
Bishop Ilia, himself a theologian and scholar, and longtime participant in bilateral theological dialogues including the worldwide Anglican-Orthodox dialogue, emphasised in a talk after the Divine Liturgy the importance of having an Orthodox theological school at the university, engaging with the world in both mind and heart through teaching and worship.
After the service, Bishop Ilia met with the parishioners of Holy Myrrhbearers Mission as well as taking the opportunity to speak with several teaching faculty of the Orthodox School of Theology.