Archbishop Irénée Celebrates Sunday of Orthodoxy at Holy Myrrhbearers Mission, Toronto
His Eminence Archbishop Irénée visited Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission in Toronto for the First Sunday of Great Lent.
The mission, established in 2016, meets in the chapel of Trinity College at the University of Toronto, and is integrated with the Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College.
Concelebrating the Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy with the archbishop were the mission's rector, the Very Rev Archpriest Geoffrey Ready, and visiting from Ottawa, the Very Rev Archpriest Stelian Liabotis, whose Matushka Helen joined the choir for the day and whose son Nicholas served in the altar.
Following the Divine Liturgy, a procession of icons took place around the chapel, stopping at each of the four corners of the church to pray for the church, the world, the departed faithful and to read the Synodikon of Orthodoxy.