
Visit of the Archbishop to St Nicholas in Narol, and the Ordination of Deacon Greg Wiebe

Juin 3, 2023

On the Soul Saturday before Pentecost, the parish of St Nicholas in Narol, Manitoba, was blessed to have Archbishop Irénee visit and ordain to the diaconate Greg Wiebe. 

Joining in this blessed celebration was the Archpriest Gregory Scratch (parish rector), the mitred Archpriest Serhii Kashyrets (newly arrived from Ukraine), the Igumen Vladimir Lysak - St George's Romanian Orthodox Church), the priest Matthew Beynon (Holy Trinity Sobor), the priest Stephen Sharman (St Nicholas of Narol), the retired Archpriest and former rector, Archpriest Robert Stephen Kennaugh, the retired Archpriest Anthony Esterbrooks and Deacon Denis Letunovsky (St Seraphim of Sarov Rawdon, QC), as well as the friends, family and faithful of St Nicholas and local Orthodox Churches.

It had been about four years since Vladyka last served at St Nicholas (also for another ordination - Fr Yuri Hladio) , and he was greeted by the many new faces of those who had become Orthodox Christians in that time, as well as the faces of the Holy Apostles and the feasts of the Lord in the new Icons on their beautiful completed iconostas.

Following the Hierarchical Liturgy, a banquet was held extending grace and wonder of the Lord's saving joy. Truly a reflection of the fullness of our faith, manifested by our Archpastor Vladika Irenée's presence, with his presbyters, deacons, and faithful. Glory to God!

May the Lord grant many blessed years to Vladyka Irénée, blessing him with peace and wisdom as he criss-crosses the Archdiocese in service to the Lord. May the Lord grant many blessed years to the newly ordained Deacon Greg, his wife Amanda, their children Kayla, William, and Hannah; and may the Lord grant many blessed years to the clergy and faithful of St Nicholas in their continued love and dedication to the Lord. 

(Photo credits. Tina Wiebe photography, Igumen Vladimir (Lysak), Archpriest Gregory Scratch)