First Baptism at Holy Apostles Mission Station, Chilliwack, BC
The Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra, December 6, 2015, marked a joyous occasion in the life of the Holy Apostles Mission Station in Chilliwack, BC, as the first Baptism in the life of the community took place.
The Mission was established by His Eminence, the Most Reverend Irénée, Archbishop of Ottawa, in November 2014. Fr. Matthew Francis, Holy Apostles’ Priest-in-Charge, began weekly Orthodox services with the local faithful in Chilliwack – a city of 90,000 – in February 2015. Today, ten months later, the Mission Station is home to people of all ages, including many children (together with their families).
On the Feast of St. Nicholas, the Servant of God William (Thomas) – just over forty days old – was brought by his parents and sponsor to Holy Baptism. There was joy in the house of the Lord as the Baptism and Chrismation took place prior to the beginning of the Sunday Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Nicholas.
A special blessing of this holy day was that William’s older brother (Nikolai) was celebrating his Name’s Day as well, bringing joy to their family, and to our young Mission community.
Other catechumens in the Holy Apostles Mission Station also await reception into the Orthodox Church. Please continue your prayers for them, and for the whole Mission, as we bear the Light of Christ here in Chilliwack.