
Reflection on Thanksgiving

Canadian Orthodox Messenger

Reflection on Thanksgiving

By Father Gregory Scratch

Christians are those whose relationship with God is characterized by thanksgiving and glory. It’s in our services, our prayers, and our daily life in Christ;

Thanksgiving for all the good things of this life. Glory to a God that freely give them to us, without price or condition.

Thanksgiving for all the blessing given to those around us, both good and bad, with no restraint. Glory to Him who honours all men with grace and peace that they may see His abundant mercy.

Thanksgiving to a God who empties Himself for us and our salvation, totally sharing in all humanity’s brokenness. Glory to Him who shares His triumph over death with our mortal nature.

Thanksgiving to Him who allows that suffering and trials come to all humanity, in order to bring remembrance of His victory and Kingdom where all tears will be wiped away. Glory to Him who brings justice, and an end to the world’s violence and destruction.

Thanksgiving that we can make a difference in healing the world, however great  or small that difference might be. Glory to Him who strengthens us by His Holy Spirit poured out into our hearts, for this work.

Thanksgiving and glory to God for all things.