Theophany Blessing in Cranbrook, BC
January 6, 2017
Photos of a very cold blessing of the water service at St Aidan of Lindisfarne Church in Cranbrook, BC at -22 degrees.
Also the last three attached photos are of an improved iconostas which is now graced with Archangels Michael and Gabriel, new deacon doors and holy doors curtain. Priestmonk Vladimir Lysak completed the two most recent icons for the deacon doors to match the other four icons he had originally done about six years ago. The Church of St Aidan is grateful for the $1,000 donation received from the Archdiocesan mission fund to help with the icons and the iconostasis upgrade project. Latest improvements were done for $3,600 plus much volunteer help from Dn Paul Bartlett and his Matka Anastasia as well as Fr Andrew.