
Pan-Orthodox Vespers Series in Winnipeg

March 25, 2018

This month the Winnipeg Orthodox Clergy Association celebrated two services in our parish communities. 

For the Sunday of the Cross, the Mission Station of Christ the Saviour in Winkler hosted the first non-Winnipeg based WOCA service, with many clergy and faithful from Orthodox Churches in Winnipeg making the two-hour road trip down south. It was a blessed service that was followed by a meal in the home of one of the mission's members.

On the Sunday of St Mary of Egypt, and the feast of the Annunciation, the English community of Holy Trinity hosted the last of the Lenten Vespers series, welcoming members of other Orthodox communities to what was the first home of Orthodoxy in Winnipeg (founded in 1904).

It is with thanksgiving to God that our communities could serve, and offer hospitality as we make our journey with the Lord to His saving passion death and Resurrection.