News on Father Thomas Hopko
Thank you, to each and every one of you, for your ongoing love, prayers, and concern for our dear Father Thomas! He is truly blessed, and is most grateful!
As many of you know, Fr. Thomas has had several serious health concerns over recent years. The most serious medical issue by far is his diagnosis with congestive heart failure (CHF) due to the fact that he has senile systemic amyloidosis. Simply put, the deposits of a protein-like material called amyloid lodge in the heart and cause stiffening and compromised function. Therefore, it cannot work efficiently, and heart failure ensues.
Since Father Thomas' diagnosis, he has retired further into a quiet daily routine that necessitates much rest and less contact. Thank you so much for your understanding. He has medical care to alleviate some of the symptoms, but there is no cure for the condition. God's will be done! Please continue to keep him in your daily prayers that God's mercy and peace be with him during these days.
Click here to view Fr. Thomas Hopko's family webpage / blog for ongoing updates.