Lenten Retreat "John the Theologian and his Paschal Gospel" at Annunciation Cathedral, Ottawa
The Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral will be holding a Lenten retreat with Fr John Behr, who will discuss his forthcoming book, John the Theologian and his Paschal Gospel: A Prologue to Theology.
The retreat will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm, followed by Vigil at 5:00 pm.
Fr John will explore the origins of the Feast of Pascha and its connections with John the Theologian and his Gospel. The annual celebration of Pascha was, at least to begin with, held only by those who looked back to John as the high priest who established the feast and its date. Reading the Gospel in this light we can see how John presents Christ in his Gospel as the completion of the true Temple and the true human being, and also how our liturgical year and theology itself is grounded in this event.
Fr John is the Fr Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics at St Vladimir’s Seminary in New York, teaching courses in patristics, dogmatics and scriptural exegesis. He is also the Distinguished Lecturer in Patristics at Fordham University, in New York.
The retreat cost is $20, including a Lenten lunch and coffee. Further donations are most welcome to help cover costs.
To register, please go to Eventbrite >