
Saint Arseny Orthodox Christian Theological Institute

Orthodox Theological Study in Canada

Saint Arseny Institute (saintarseny.ca) is a theological school for the Archdiocese of Canada, The Orthodox Church in America. It operates with the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Irénée. The Institute’s programs are administered from Winnipeg, a city of 700,000 located in the southern part of the province of Manitoba, at the longitudinal centre of Canada.

Programs of Study

Please check the website at saintarseny.ca for news and updates.

Diaconal Program of Studies

Included in the mandate of the Institute is the provision of twenty, one-term correspondence courses to prepare those seeking ordination to the Holy Diaconate in the Orthodox Church.

Reader’s Program of Studies

The Reader’s Program in two parts is offered by correspondence to those who would like to be equipped to carry out the role of reader in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church.

Studies for Laity

The Diaconal and Reader’s Programs are also available to laity, whether members of the Orthodox Church or not, who are interested in gaining or deepening an understanding of Orthodox theology and worship.

We welcome inquiries about the Saint Arseny Institute (please visit saintarseny.ca) which began classes in September 2003, and is named after a beloved and revered servant and bishop of the Orthodox Church in Canada, who fell asleep in the Lord in 1945.