Fr Philip Speaks to Our Time
Fr Philip Speaks to Our Time
by Fr Leonard Herrem
I was at the Archdiocese of Canada Assembly in July 2017 where Fr Philip Speranza spoke to us. I was deeply moved by his message then, and even more so now during the crisis we are facing during these days.
Fr Philip speaks of giving thanks to God, even for those things that bring suffering and loss, even through “clenched teeth.”
Fr Philip taught us what a lament is and how we can give thanksgiving to God, especially when we do not understand what is happening. We are hurting and suffering, BUT we trust God to be in charge through all things.
I am blessed to have met the good and faithful servant of God, the Archimandrite Philip. Memory eternal!
Click to listen to Fr Philip's talk from the Archdiocesan Assembly in 2017 >