Ordination of Kyle Parrott to the Holy Diaconate
Third-year seminarian Kyle Parrott of Calgary, Alberta, was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in Three Hierarchs Chapel by The Right Rev. Irénée, Bishop of Québec City and the administrator of the Archdiocese of Canada. In his ordination homily, Chancellor/CEO The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield exhorted the chapel community to remember the deep significance of what is taking place during ordinations, since each one serves as a reminder to the faithful that the gospel requires full commitment from all Orthodox Christians.
“I hope you enjoy your time as a deacon, and always serve with love, joy and humility,” Bishop Irénée encouraged Dn. Kyle in his remarks. Seminary Dean The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr welcomed His Grace, noting that “it’s been a joy to have you join us on campus these last few days—it’s been 45 years since you last visited St. Vladimir’s.” The Bishop replied, “I’m glad to be here and worship with you—the music is even more beautiful than your recordings!”
Deacon Kyle was born in Calgary in Alberta, Canada, and spent his early years in the Anglican church before becoming active in several Evangelical churches. His interest in missions led him to participate in short–term outreach in Grenada (in the Caribbean) and in Uruguay. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in History and Minor Greek and Roman Studies from the University of Calgary, and then worked in sales and marketing.
“It was my university studies that caused me to question my own Christian tradition and to look at other churches,” notes Dn. Kyle. “Eventually my inquiries led to my entry into the Orthodox Church, along with Leanne, the young woman I married in 2008.” After their wedding, the Parrotts enthusiastically embraced parish life at Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut Church in Calgary; Dn. Kyle served as a Reader, Mat. Leanne directed the choir, and both taught Church School. During a time of personal reevaluation the two decided to “take the plunge” and come to St. Vladimir’s Seminary.
Deacon Kyle has been serving at the Holy Trinity Church in Yonkers, NY (Orthodox Church in America) under the guidance of Rector The Rev. David Cowan. The Parrotts’ daughter Sophia was born in 2011 at the beginning of Dn. Kyle’s studies. Matushka Leanne is a gifted photographer and has chronicled many events for the St. Vladimir’s Website.
Clergy serving at the ordination included: The Right Rev. Irénée, presiding; The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr, The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield, The Rev. Dr. David Meyzinski, The Rev. Dr. Benedict Churchill, The Rev. Aleksey Paranyuk, The Rev. Dn. Gregory Hatrak, and The Rev. Dn. Nicholas Roth.
Pictures by Matushka Leanne.Parrott
The original article is at http://www.svots.edu/headlines/bishop-ir%C3%A9n%C3%A9e-ordains-canadian-seminarian-holy-diaconate