
Dr Alexander Treiger ordained to the Holy Diaconate; Hiero-deacon Cassian ordained to the Holy Priesthood

January 19, 2014

On the Feast of Holy Theophany Jan 19 at St Vladimir’s Church in Halifax, NS, His Grace Bishop Irénée ordained a priest and a deacon.

Dr. Alexander Treiger, a member of the parish of St. Vladimir’s, was ordained to the Holy Diaconate. Father Alexander and his wife Matushka Ksenia have two children, Anna and Alexei. Father Alexander is a Professor of religious studies at Dalhousie University. His area of expertise is Arabic Christianity and patristics. In his forthcoming publication entitled The Orthodox Church in the Arab World (700-1700), Father Alexander, in collaboration with other scholars, offers a collection of Arabic works translated into English. Fluent in many languages Father Alexander will be an important bridge-maker in the Orthodox community in Halifax and beyond. He is attached to the parish of St. Vladimir’s.

On the same day, hiero-deacon Cassian, a monk of the Hermitage of the Annunciation, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. He remains attached to the Hermitage.